
Letra de Cazals - Poor Innocent Boys - Razzmatazz#06

Letra de canci�n de Cazals - Poor Innocent Boys de Razzmatazz#06 lyrics

You really let the family down
You almost ruined their name
Your father's so disappointed
Your sister feels the same

and now the neighbors are talking
eyes down underneath their breathe
your mother I swear you've done this
She says she's got nothing left

Why can't you just be normal
Another link in the chain
I pull you away like your father
Not likely we�re not the same

'Cuz we�re poor innocent boys
poor poor
Innocent boys
poor innocent boys
poor poor
Innocent boys
poor innocent boys
poor poor
Innocent boys
poor innocent boys
A tribulation radio station boy

Do you notice something missing
When the kids at play
Pretend to be the doorman x
Set it up and play
All I've got is vices knocking at my door
All the angry taxman asking me for more
I've got something to say
All in a matter of time
Please don't get in my way
'Cuz everything is mine.


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La letra de canci�n de Cazals - Poor Innocent Boys de Razzmatazz#06 es una transcripci�n de la canci�n original realizada por colaboradores/usuarios de Coveralia.
Razzmatazz#06 Cazals - Poor Innocent Boys lyrics is a transcription from the original song made by Coveralia's contributors/users.

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