
Letra de Tonight - Matt Simons

Letra de canci�n de Tonight de Matt Simons lyrics

I, from the moment that I found you
I tried spending all my time around you
Do you remember how many days?
All of the ways I tried to frame it
Do you remember all of the useless starts, excuses that I came with?

I�m gonna tell you tonight
I got plans of making you mine
And I know it�s just a matter of time
I�m positively out of my mind
I�m wanna bring it to light
Everything I feel so is fear
Yeah, hopefully what you wanted to hear
I�m laying everything on the line
Tonight I�m gonna make you mine

I tried to imagine life without you
But I find something so unique about you
I can remember every time you smile I got a feeling
I can remember all the nights when we got wild ahead the ceiling

I�m gonna tell you tonight
I got plans of making you mine
And I know it�s just a matter of time
I�m positively out of my mind
I�m wanna bring it to light
Everything I feel so is fear
Yeah, hopefully what you wanted to hear
I�m laying everything on the line
Tonight I�m gonna make you mine

We both live wild and free
Won�t pressure something to be
I know is better when the love comes naturally
Not sipping out on a whim
I�m hanging down on a limb
I know, I know

I�m gonna tell you tonight
I got plans of making you mine
And I know it�s just a matter of time
I�m positively out of my mind
I�m wanna bring it to light
Everything I feel so is fear
Yeah, hopefully what you wanted to hear
I�m laying everything on the line
Tonight I�m gonna make you mine.

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Discos en los que aparece esta letra:

La letra de canci�n de Tonight de Matt Simons es una transcripci�n de la canci�n original realizada por colaboradores/usuarios de Coveralia.
Matt Simons Tonight lyrics is a transcription from the original song made by Coveralia's contributors/users.

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